Review of the RICH JERK. ~ Website Marketing Today!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Review of the RICH JERK.

Is the rich jerk a good book and can it help you achieve online sales? The answer is a resounding yes. However, just keep one thing in mind.

You may need to read it a few times before you start marketing and you may want to start to pick up a few other books on the subject of internet marketing.

The rich jerk is not a bad source of information for marketing on the internet. It covers a lot of the basics you need to know about how to succeed.

The book walks you through from start to finish. First it starts out coving what programs are the best to market with online and then gives you a way to put those programs into action.

It even covers how you should sell with the words you write and other things. This is a very basic concept that a lot of people miss when marketing on the internet.

The Rich Jerk even shows you how to create your own product to sell on the internet if that is what you think you would like to do. However you do not need to do this in order to make money online.

The book also tells you where you can get certain products and services that it covers. All this will help make you a success online.

The one thing to remember here is that there is not one little holy grail to making you rich on the internet. Will you have to work for it? Of course you will. There is absolutely no other way to make money online or offline. So you do have to put into action what it says.

However, the book does give very clear examples and lays out a very specific plan to market on the internet. You just have to get to work and make it work for you.

Can a beginner benefit from the Rich Jerk? You betch ya they can! Not only is the book written for the beginning marketer or an advanced one, it has a section devoted to getting started online and what to do if you are just starting out.

It really does go into detail about the how and the why of what needs to be done.

Is it a complete plan? Of course not. Like I said before in this article you will need to make a study out of internet marketing if you want to be successful. You see, way too many people are looking for the quick fix to make them rich.

Does this happen over night? NEVER! And if anyone ever tells you that it does then run, because they forgot to tell you how long it took them of studying and learning to get where they are today.

All in all the RICH Jerk is a great place to start if you want to learn how to market online. Just, read the book a few times and apply what you have learned and you should see results.

If you do not after at least 6 months, then buy another book or go over the rich jerk again and try to see what you are doing wrong. Remember things take time and you need to always test everything.

So, should you buy the rich jerk? Yes, if you want to learn how to market on the internet. Here’s why: The reason is because not only to you get the eBook but you also get lifetime updates, a resource cd and access to bulletin boards. The bulletin boards are critical to your success because you can share ideas with other people and ask questions about your venture.

See, if you just somehow get the book from someone and then read it, you may not fully understand it. So what better way then to have people who are already making money online to help you? This is absolutely critical to your success.

The updates to the book are just as important. Why you ask? Because, internet marketing changes so fast that what was good today is bad tomorrow.

You see maybe you start to market through the search engines and you are doing well. Then one day your site is gone from Google and you have no idea why.

Well if you had stayed updated on internet marketing you could have found out what you were doing wrong and avoided that disaster all together.

So buy the Rich Jerk if you want to succeed and maybe you could be the next internet millionaire.

To your success,

Click here for the Rich JERK! -

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